Verney, S., Bosco, A. & Lobo, M. C. (Eds.) (2014) “Southern Europe and the Financial Earthquake – Coping with the First Phase of the International Crisis“, South European Society and Politics, Routledge Publications, October.
Following the outbreak of the international financial crisis, Southern Europe became an epicentre of economic instability and international concern. The prospect of a sovereign debt default in the eurozone’s ‘flaky fringe’ sent shock waves through the European and global economies. Examining the crucial initial phase, when the financial crisis was just beginning to spill over into the real economy, the volume surveys the impact of the September 2008 Lehman Brothers’ collapse across the EU’s southern periphery. The six South European eurozone members – Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Cyprus and Malta – are viewed in comparative perspective with EU candidate state and non-eurozone member, Turkey. In an era before the spectacular EU/IMF bailouts, the picture that emerges is one of national differentiation, illuminating these countries’ different starting points and varying policy responses in the face of the gathering financial storm.
This book was published in 2009 as a special issue of South European Society and Politics.
Relevant posts:
- Xifré, R. (2014) “No miracles in southern Eurozone without resource reallocation“, VoxEU Organisation, 12 September.
- Gropas, R. & Triandafyllidou, Α. (2014) “’Voting With Their Feet’, Highly Skilled Emigrants From Southern Europe”, American Behavioral Science (ABS), June.
- Bowles, J. (2014) “Southern Europe is suspicious: the evolution of trust in the EU“, Bruegel Think Tank, 14 May.