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The ‘Tax Shift’: A Surrealist Fantasy

Drahokoupil, Jan, (2016), “The ‘Tax Shift’: A Surrealist Fantasy“, Social Europe, 15 March Reducing taxes on labour – personal income taxes and employers’ and employees’ social security contributions – is often seen as key to increasing employment levels. The latest crop of country-specific recommendations issued by the European Commission is a case in point. Relevant Posts  OECD tax burdens on wages rising without tax rate increases, OECD Publications, April 2015. Holter, H., Krueger, D. & Stepanchuk, S. (2015) …Read More

In-work poverty and labour market trajectories: Poverty risks among the working population in 22 European countries

Halleröd, Björn, Ekbrand, Hans, Bengtsson,  Mattias , (2015), “In-work poverty and labour market trajectories: Poverty risks among the working population in 22 European countries”, Journal of European Social Policy, Issue 5, Volume 25, pp.473-488, December  Is in-work poverty a low-wage or an unemployment problem, and is it the same problem all across Europe? Because of the definitional ambiguity, we really do not know. In this article, we use longitudinal European Union-Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) …Read More

ECB TLTRO 2.0 – Lending at negative rates

Merler, Silvia, (2016), “ECB TLTRO 2.0 – Lending at negative rates”, Bruegel Blog, 11 March The ECB first announced its targeted long-term refinancing operations (TLTRO)  in summer 2014, and operations started in September 2014. Under the first version of the programme, banks could borrow an initial allowance of 7% of their outstanding loans to the euro area non-financial private sector. They could then borrow additional funds in a second wave …Read More

Minimal conditions for the survival of the euro

Eichengreen, Barry, Wyplosz, Charles, (2016), “Minimal conditions for the survival of the euro”, Voxeu, 14 March The Eurozone crisis has shown that monetary union entails more than just sharing monetary policies. This column, first published on 12 February 2016, identifies four minimal conditions for solidifying the monetary union. In the case of fiscal policy, this means a decentralised solution. In the case of financial supervision and monetary policy, centralisation is …Read More

Helicopter drops reloaded

Hüttl, Pia, Leandro, Alvaro, (2016), “Helicopter drops reloaded”, Bruegel Blog, 14 March What’s at stake: Central banks have recently been scaling up their unconventional monetary policy measures. Discussions about helicopter money seem to be getting ever louder. We review the theoretical discussions, the effectiveness of tax-rebates and legal and political complications. Relevant Posts De Santis A., Roberto, Legrenzi, Gabriella and Milas, Costas, (2015), “Fiscal policy adjustments in the euro area stressed countries: …Read More

The curious case of the guaranteed minimum income (GMI): Highlighting Greek ‘exceptionalism’ in a Southern European context

Lalioti, Varvara, (2016), “The curious case of the guaranteed minimum income (GMI): Highlighting Greek ‘exceptionalism’ in a Southern European context”, Journal of European Social Policy, 3 February In Greece, after many years of failure to establish a national-level guaranteed minimum income (GMI) in line with European Union (EU) recommendations, the government recently decided to try a pilot scheme. Explanations are proposed for the long-standing policy inertia and the recent change. …Read More

Policy options and risks of an extension of the ECB’s quantitative easing programme: An analysis

Gerba, Eddie, Macchiarelli, Corrado, (2016), “Policy options and risks of an extension of the ECB’s quantitative easing programme: An analysis”, European Parliament, February During the press conference on 3 December 2015, president Mario Draghi reiterated the readiness of the ECB to adopt additional measures in order to maintain an appropriate degree of monetary accommodation. Different options are available, including the increase in the amount of monthly purchases of assets, currently set at 60 …Read More

Completing Europe’s economic and monetary union

Dabrowski, Marek, (2016), “Completing Europe’s economic and monetary union“, Bruegel Publications, 10 March This note has been written in response to the UK House of Lords European Union Committee’s Call for Evidence on ‘Completing Europe’s Economic and Monetary Union’. The opinions presented here represent solely the view of their author and not necessarily the institutions, which he is affiliated with. Thus, these opinions can be attributed publicly to the author only. Taking …Read More

Market power Europe: exploring a dynamic conceptual framework

Damro, Chad, (2015), “Market power Europe: exploring a dynamic conceptual framework”, Journal of European Public Policy, Issue 9, Volume 22, 3 June The conceptualization of the European Union (EU) as market power Europe reflects an understanding that the EU most consequentially affects the international system by externalizing its internal market-related policies and regulatory measures. While considerable evidence exists to support such an exercise of power, further elaboration of the conceptualization reveals a number of …Read More

Economic Survey of Greece 2016

OECD, (2016), ” Economic Survey of Greece 2016“, OECD, 10 March The Economic Survey of Greece says poverty has risen since the crisis to reach one third of the population. Tackling poverty and inequality must be urgent policy priorities, it adds. The survey sees the recovery strengthening in 2017 as ongoing reforms and external demand benefit investment and jobs. It stresses that successful negotiations to address public debt sustainability are …Read More