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Financial regulatory transparency: new data and implications for EU policy

Copelovitch, Mark, Gandrud, Christopher, Hallerberg, Mark, (2015), “Financial regulatory transparency: new data and implications for EU policy”, Bruguel Publications, Issue 2015/20, 10 December. This paper introduces a new international financial regulatory data transparency index – the Financial Regulatory Transparency (FRT) Index – in order to address the exisiting gap in measuring regulatory transparency. Relevant Posts Gandrud, Christopher, Hallerberg, Mark, (2015), “Does Banking Union Worsen the EU’s Democratic Deficit? The Need for Greater Supervisory Data Transparency”, Journal …Read More

Countries under Adjustment Programmes: What role for the ECB?

Gros, Daniel, (2015), “Countries under Adjustment Programmes: What role for the ECB?”, CEPS, 10 December. Providing ‘technical assistance/advice’ on programmes for countries under financial stress is well within the mandate of the European Central Bank (ECB). Being fully part of the Troika, however, is a different role. Formally the ECB does not participate in the ‘decision-making’ on programmes (decisions are taken by the Finance Ministers – and the IMF). However, the …Read More

Fiscal Consolidation During Times of High Unemployment: The Role of Productivity Gains and Wage Restraint

Lama, Ruy, Guzman Medina, Juan Pablo, (2015), “Fiscal Consolidation During Times of High Unemployment: The Role of Productivity Gains and Wage Restraint”, IMF Papers, 10 December. This paper studies the Swedish fiscal consolidation episode of the 1990s through the lens of a small open economy model with distortionary taxation and unemployment. We argue that the simultaneous reduction in the fiscal deficit and unemployment rate in this episode stems from two factors: (i) high …Read More

ECB roils markets with disappointing stimulus package

Ruparel, Raoul, (2015), ” ECB roils markets with disappointing stimulus package”, Open Europe blog, 4 December Markets across Europe were down sharply yesterday after the ECB significantly disappointed expectations in terms of further easing. As the dust settle many will rightly be wondering why exactly market expectations became so dislocated from actual ECB thinking and what this means for the longer term. Open Europe’s Raoul Ruparel, who warned the ECB could …Read More

Designing fiscal policy for steady, enduring growth

Buti, Marco, Gaspar, Vitor, (2015), “Designing fiscal policy for steady, enduring growth”, Voxeu, 10 December Designing fiscal policy for today’s complex and uncertain economic climate is a problem that perplexes governments worldwide. This column proposes a solution – a new fiscal architecture with strengthened but budget-neutral automatic stabilisers. It won’t be easy, but overcoming predominantly political challenges will help foster steady and enduring growth. Relevant Posts Rannenberg, Ansgar, Schoder, Christian, Strasky, Jan, (2015), “The macroeconomic effects …Read More

Annual Growth Survey 2016: Strengthening the recovery and fostering convergence

European Commission – Press release, (2015), “Annual Growth Survey 2016: Strengthening the recovery and fostering convergence”, European Commission, Brussels, 26 November. Today’s package launches the annual cycle of economic governance. It sets out general economic and social priorities for the EU and gives Member States policy guidance for the following year. Policy challenges vary across countries, so responses will also vary. However, there are overarching themes that affect the EU as a …Read More

Looking for a success in the euro crisis adjustment programs: the case of Portugal

Reis, Ricardo, (2015), “Looking for a success in the euro crisis adjustment programs: the case of Portugal”, Centre for Economic Policy Research, December. Portugal’s adjustment program in 2010-14 under the troika was extensive and aimed at addressing its large debt and anemic growth, so it may serve as a blueprint for reforms in the Eurozone. This paper argues that, conditional on a diagnosis of the underlying problems of the Portuguese economy, the …Read More

The importance of wealth concentration and why it is so difficult to measure

Alvaredo, Facundo, Atkinson, Tony, Morelli, Salvatore, (2015),“The importance of wealth concentration and why it is so difficult to measure”, Voxeu, 8 December. The concentration of personal wealth has received a lot of attention since the publication of Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the 21st Century. This column investigates the UK and finds wealth distribution to be highly concentrated. The data seem to suggest that the top wealth share has increased in the UK …Read More

How to avert the risk of deflation in Europe: rethinking the policy mix and European economic governance

Theodoropoulou, Sotiria, (2015), “How to avert the risk of deflation in Europe: rethinking the policy mix and European economic governance”, European trade union institute, No 16, 2015. This policy brief discusses the risks of deflation for the European economy. It critically evaluates the European economic governance for not having averted this risk and discusses how a more coordinated approach to both fiscal policy and collective wage bargaining, both aiming at national …Read More

International macroeconomic policy coordination

Frankel, Jeffrey, (2015), “International macroeconomic policy coordination”, Voxeu, 9 December. Calls for coordination of macroeconomic policy have made a comeback since the Global Crisis. This column reviews this return of international policy coordination, both in terms of fiscal and monetary policy. It discusses recent developments and considerations in fiscal and monetary policy games, and cautions that most but not all calls for coordination are useful. Relevant Posts Goodhart, Α.Ε. C. & Erfurth, …Read More