Papantoniou, Yannos, (2015), “A New Chance for Greece”, Project Syndicate, 9 Σεπτεμβρίου On September 20, Greek voters will go to the polls – yet again – in a snap election called by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. The early poll was no surprise: almost a third of Tsipras’s colleagues in his leftist Syriza Party refused to endorse the bailout he had negotiated with the country’s creditors. In a parliamentary vote on …Read More
The Foundations of Greece’s Failed Economy
Phelps, Edmund, (2015), “The Foundations of Greece’s Failed Economy”, Project Syndicate, 4 September Too many politicians and economists blame austerity – urged by Greece’s creditors – for the collapse of the Greek economy. But the data show neither marked austerity by historical standards nor government cutbacks severe enough to explain the huge job losses. What the data do show are economic ills rooted in the values and beliefs of Greek …Read More
Outcome of Greece election looking increasingly uncertain
Ruparel, Raoul, (2015), “Outcome of Greece election looking increasingly uncertain”, Open Europe blog, 2 September The prevailing assumption before the Greece election was called was that outgoing Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras would return as head of the next government in one way or another. However, the latest polling has suggested this is far less certain than assumed. Raising the question of what the outcome of the election might be? …Read More
Lighten the load
Odendahl, Christian, (2015), “Lighten the load”, Centre for European Reform, 26 Αυgust The IMF says that Greece’s debt burden is unsustainable. That is why the IMF will not contribute to the third assistance package (recently agreed by Europe and Greece) unless Greek debt is reduced. The problem is that an outright cut in the value of the debt – a haircut – is politically unacceptable, especially to Germany. The other option …Read More
George Tzogopoulos: Assessing the Image of Germany in the Greek Media Visual analysis of Greek Media Reports on the Role of Germany in the Greek Crisis
This study attempts to analyse the representation of Germany in the Greek press during the ongoing economic crisis covering the period 2010-2013. In so doing, it starts with a discussion on the main theoretical aspects explaining the relationship between media and politics in the relevant literature of political communication. It then concentrates on the issue of the European public sphere which is concerned with potential ‘European frames’ in the portrayal of Germany in the Greek …Read More
Greece’s poor growth prospects
Barslund, Mikkel, Barnebeck Andersen, Thomas, (2015), “Greece’s poor growth prospects”, Ceps publications, 21 Αυgust Four years ago – almost to the day – when the question of Greece’s debt sustainability was the subject of intense debate, we argued that Greece would face strong headwinds in its effort to ‘grow solvent’ (Gros, Barnebeck & Barslund, 2011). With the third rescue package dealing with the immediate liquidity issues in the works, and concerns being voiced by the IMF …Read More
The third Greek bailout and the challenge to national democracy (in Athens and beyond)
Scarpetta, Vincenzo, (2015), “The third Greek bailout and the challenge to national democracy (in Athens and beyond)”, Open Europe blog, 21 Αυgust The third Greek bailout is officially under way. The ESM, the Eurozone’s bailout fund, has this morning disbursed €13 billion from the first tranche of the new loan. But let’s take a step back and look at what happened in some of the countries where national parliaments held a …Read More
The Greek crisis is merely a symptom of the EU’s inability to deal with recessions
Gangopadhyay, Partha, (2015), “The Greek crisis is merely a symptom of the EU’s inability to deal with recessions”, 24 Αυgust Fresh elections will be held in Greece following the resignation of Alexis Tsipras as the country’s Prime Minister. Partha Gangopadhyay writes that while this latest twist in Greek domestic politics has raised more uncertainty about Greece’s ability to meet the conditions of its bailout agreement, there is a far wider …Read More
Back from the brink: Policy reform and debt relief in Greece
Cline, William, (2015), “Back from the brink: Policy reform and debt relief in Greece”, Voxeu, 24 Αυgust Economists continue to debate whether – and to what extent – Greek debts should be relieved. This column takes through the details of Greek debt, what relief options are open to Greece, and what the likely consequences of relief might be for all parties. Yet again, there are no easy choices – but that …Read More
Why Greece Can’t Fulfill Bailout’s Terms
Bershidsky, Leonid, (2015), “Why Greece Can’t Fulfill Bailout’s Terms”, Bloomberg View, 18 August The debate about the third Greek bailout centers on its political divisiveness and the sustainability of the country’s debt. More important, however, may be the country’s ability to stay any kind of rational economic course, implement reforms and collect taxes. Judging by recent government revenue statistics, the chances of achieving those goals remain remote. Relevant Posts Ruparel, Raoul, (2015), “Third …Read More