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Unemployment Rate in Greece: “The” Long Run Macroeconomic Challenge

Gogos, S. & Kosma, O. (2014) “Unemployment Rate in Greece: “The” Long Run Macroeconomic Challenge“, Eurobank Research Team, Economy and Markets, Vol. IX, Issue 6, June.   Following six years of a severe economic recession, it has become a common belief among economists and policymakers that “The” macroeconomic challenge for the Greek economy over the next 10 years (or more) will be the return of the unemployment rate to acceptable …Read More

Co-operative Banking in Greece: A Proposal for Rural Reinvestment and Urban Entrepreneurship

Papadimitriou, Β. D. & Toay, T. (2014) “Co-operative Banking in Greece: A Proposal for Rural Reinvestment and Urban Entrepreneurship“, Levy Economics Institute, Research Project Reports, July.   The crisis in Greece is persistent and ongoing. After six years of deepening recession, real GDP has shrunk by more than 25 percent, with total unemployment now standing at 27.2 percent. Clearly, reviving growth and creating jobs should be at the top of …Read More

Industrial policy in times of crisis: the case of Greece

Giannitsis T., I. Kastelli, 2014, “Industrial policy in times of crisis: the case of Greece” in Teixeira Α.Α.C., E. Silva, R. Paes Mamede (eds.), Structural Change, Competitiveness and Industrial Policy: Painful Lessons from the European Periphery, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, London and New York.   Synopsis Chapter 11 addresses the role of industrial policy in the process of overcoming the economic crisis in Greece. The rationale of such a …Read More

It would be dangerous to view modern European populism as a triumph of style over substance

Wodak, R. (2014) “It would be dangerous to view modern European populism as a triumph of style over substance“, LSE EUROPP, 23 July.   The success of populist and Eurosceptic parties was one of the key narratives to emerge from the European Parliament elections in May. Ruth Wodak writes on the platforms which underpin these parties, noting that there is no one-size-fits-all explanation for why parties have gained ground in …Read More

It’s the Youth, Stupid! Greece’s most undervalued asset

Tsianos, V. (2014) “It’s the Youth, Stupid! Greece’s most undervalued asset“, Eurocrisis in the Press, LSE EUROPP, 07 July.   Numbers never lie. However the fashion of macroeconomic valuation has a long history of interpreting partially the truth that numbers are intended to resonate. During the last four years, statistical numbers regarding the Greek economy have been interpreted by multiple economists, international investors, and public policy decision makers. Amongst many …Read More

Despite optimistic economic assessments, Greek living standards are still a long way from emerging from the crisis

Stierle, S. (2014) “Despite optimistic economic assessments, Greek living standards are still a long way from emerging from the crisis“, LSE EUROPP, 04 July.   Greece was the epicentre of the Eurozone crisis, however the Bank of Greece recently announced that it expects the country to return to growth before the end of this year. Steffen Stierle writes on whether the crisis is now being overcome within Greece. He argues …Read More

Greece: From Exit to Recovery?

Pelagidis, Τ. & Mitsopoulos, Μ. (2014) “Greece: From Exit to Recovery?“, Brookings Institution Press, June.   Two Greek economic analysts explain the Greek financial crisis—from beginning to end. The first section of Greece: From Exit to Recovery? explores the lead up to Greece’s adoption of the euro. Authors Theodore Pelagidis and Michael Mitsopoulos believe that the ensuing challenges were foreseeable. In fact, the authors posit that it was Greece’s difficultly …Read More

DG ECFIN And The Missing Greek Exports

Janssen, Ρ. (2014) “DG ECFIN And The Missing Greek Exports“, Social Europe Journal, 02 July.   Economists at DG ECFIN are starting to notice something we have pointed out already some time ago: Despite an enormous cut in wage costs, Greek exports have firmly stayed put in recessionary territory and hopes for an export-led recovery have proven to be illusive. Troubled by this failure of Greek exports to lift off, DG …Read More

Η Ελληνική Οικονομία

ELSTAT (2014) “The Greek Economy“, Hellenic Statistical Authority, 27 June. The Greek Economy ppublication aims to provide the latest key economic information on Greece in a clear and comprehensive manner. Written in both the Greek and English languages, it is designed for users of statistics who seek updated information on recent economic developments, as well as long-term economic trends. It provides information on major economic indicators and time series compiled …Read More

Lessons from the 2012 Greek debt restructuring

Xafa, M. (2014) “Lessons from the 2012 Greek debt restructuring“, VoxEU Organisation, 25 June.   The 2012 Greek debt restructuring was the largest one in the history of sovereign defaults. This column discusses the lessons from this historically unprecedented episode. Delaying the restructuring implied that externally held debt remained higher than it would have been otherwise. Supportive crisis management is necessary for smooth restructuring to take place in a currency …Read More