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The crisis and its impact on unemployed people in Europe Qualitative survey in seven EU Member States

Paugam, S. (2015) “The crisis and its impact on unemployed people in Europe Qualitative survey in seven EU Member States“, Final report for the European Commission DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, 15 April.   As part of the package on “Coping strategies with crisis”, this study analyses experiences of unemployment in a recession and is based on a qualitative survey of a sample of over a hundred unemployed people from …Read More

A New Start for the Eurozone: Dealing with Debt – Monitoring the Eurozone 1

Corsetti, G., Feld, P. L., Lane, R. P., Reichlin, L., Rey, H., Vayanos, D. & Weder di Mauro, B. (2015) “A New Start for the Eurozone: Dealing with Debt – Monitoring the Eurozone 1“, Centre for Economic Policy Research, 15 April.   Foreword Recent Eurozone growth has been sporadic and hesitant, and confidence in the recovery is marred by concerns over returning financial instability and long periods of little or …Read More

The Eurozone crisis and the transformation of EU governance: internal and external implications

Rodrigues, Maria João. & Xiarchogiannopoulou, Eleni. & EBSCOhost. (2014). The Eurozone crisis and the transformation of EU governance: internal and external implications. Farnham, Surrey, UK ; Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 15 April 2015.       The book comprises the following chapters: Transcending or descending? : European integration in times of crisis / Zoe Lefkofridi & Philippe Schmitter Economic crisis and the internationalisation of EU competition policy / Michelle Cini The transformation of …Read More

Europe’s challenging economic integration: Insights from a new index

Dorrucci, E., Ioannou, D., Mongelli, F. P. & Terzi, A. (2015) “Europe’s challenging economic integration: Insights from a new index“, VoxEU Organisation, 15 April.   Despite a significant progress over the past decades, European integration still needs improvement in some areas. This column presents a long-term narrative of European integration by using a recently published European index of regional institutional integration. The index maps developments in European integration from 1958 …Read More

OECD tax burdens on wages rising without tax rate increases

OECD tax burdens on wages rising without tax rate increases, OECD Publications, April 2015.   Taxes on wages have risen by about 1 percentage point for the average worker in OECD countries between 2010 and 2014 even though the majority of governments did not increase statutory income tax rates, according to a new OECD report. Taxing Wages 2015 says the tax burden has increased in 23 OECD countries and fallen …Read More

The Five Things Everyone Should Know About the European Union

Menon, A. (2015) “The Five Things Everyone Should Know About the European Union“, Social Europe Journal, 08 April.   Where to start when asked, in five points, to encapsulate an institution as complex, as contested, as frequently misunderstood and indeed as deliberately misrepresented as the European Union? Perhaps with the statement that both its supporters and detractors exaggerate their cases. Rather than being the all-powerful behemoth frequently alluded to by …Read More

Demographic structure and the macroeconomy

Aksoy, Y., Basso, H., Grasl, T. & Smith, R. (2015) “Demographic structure and the macroeconomy“, VoxEU Organisation, 08 April.   The disappointing recovery after the crisis has sparked renewed interest in the medium-run outlook of advanced economies. Lower population growth and its impact on labour supply gained widespread prominence. This column takes a more general view identifying the impact of the evolution of demographic structure, or the entire age profile, …Read More

The Real Thing: An Anti-austerity European Government

Galbraith, K. J. (2015) “The Real Thing: An Anti-austerity European Government“, Social Europe Journal, 07 April.   I have just come from Athens where I have, for the last several days, had the high privilege of working with the government of Greece, and especially with the Finance Minister, my very good friend, Yanis Varoufakis. I’ve actually had two occasions, so far, to observe the drama that’s unfolding in Europe from …Read More

Viva la competencia

Kern, A. (2015) “Viva la competencia“, The European Magazine, 27 March.   Argentina was once the economic pride of the southern hemisphere. There is barely anything left after a half-century of misrule. Europe can (and must) learn from this cautionary tale. The distance between Santiago de Chile and Bueneos Aires is only one hour flying time: an hour that separates the future from the past. One travels from an emerging …Read More

Price discrimination by big manufacturers: Supporting arguments for its prohibition by European competition law

Herweg, F. & Müller, D. (2015) “Price discrimination by big manufacturers: Supporting arguments for its prohibition by European competition law“, VoxEU Organisation, 07 April.   Manufacturers discriminating among retailers is an important issue in competition policy. Specifically, the EU allows quantity discounts but forbids discriminatory discounts – a policy that does not jive with standard economic analysis which suggests that banning price discrimination improves allocative efficiency and typically also raises …Read More