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Benchmarking Working Europe 2013

ETUI, (2013), “Benchmarking Working Europe 2013”. Widening economic and social gaps among EU member states, as well as among different groups and categories of citizens within society, are not only placing in jeopardy the future of Social Europe but threatening to undermine also the whole project of European integration. The post-2008 recession and debt crisis, helped along by EU leaders’ obstinate clinging to the failing remedies of fiscal austerity, have …Read More

Combining the Entry of Young People in the Labour Market with the Retention of Older Workers

IZA, (2013), “Combining the Entry of Young People in the Labour Market with the Retention of Older Workers”, IZA Report, N. 53. This study provides an overview of the employment situation of young and old workers in the EU Member States, setting out the most recent developments during the crisis and dealing with policies implemented to promote the employment of both groups. The evidence collected shows that there is no …Read More

Fertility Reactions to the “Great Recession” in Europe: Recent Evidence from Order-Specific Data

Goldstein, J., Kreyenfeld, M., Jasilioniene, A., Karaman Örsal, D. (2013), “Fertility Reactions to the “Great Recession” in Europe: Recent Evidence from Order-Specific Data”, Demographic Research¸Vol. 29, Art. 4, pp 85-104. This paper provides recent cross-national evidence of the impact of the great recession on fertility in Europe in the context of the recent decade. Using data from the Human Fertility Database (HFD), from Eurostat, and from the OECD database, we …Read More

Eurostat: European social statistics

Eurostat, (2013), “European social statistics”, 2013 edition. The pocketbook European social statistics, intended for both generalists and specialists, provides a comparative overview of the social statistics available in 27 Member States and the Candidate Countries of the European Union, as well as in the EFTA states. Different areas of the social field are described here by a selection of indicators which are presented in tables and graphs and accompanied by …Read More

Youth Unemployment in Europe: What to do about it?

Eichhorst, W., Hinte, H., Rinne, U., (2013), “Youth Unemployment in Europe: What to do about it?”, IZA Policy Paper, N., 65. Youth unemployment has become a severe economic and societal problem in many European countries. This paper gives an overview of the current situation and assesses different policy options. It emphasizes the role of stronger intra- EU mobility of young workers, policies to make vocational training systems more effective and …Read More

Standard Eurobarometer, N. 79

European Commission, (2013), “Standard Eurobarometer”, N. 79, Spring 2013. This report presents the first results of the Standard Eurobarometer 79 survey, which was carried out between 10 and 26 May 2013 in 34 countries or territories1: the 27 European Union Member States, the six candidate countries (Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Iceland, Montenegro and Serbia), and the Turkish Cypriot Community in the part of the country that …Read More

The Next Social Contract

Derviş, Kemal, (2013), “The Next Social Contract”,, 18 July. Around the world nowadays, persistent unemployment, skill mismatches, and retirement frameworks have become central to fiscal policy – and to the often-fierce political debates that surround it. The advanced countries are facing an immediate “aging” problem, but most of the emerging economies are also in the midst of a demographic transition that will result in an age structure similar to …Read More

OECD Employment Outlook

OECD, (2013), Employment Outlook, Paris. Concerns are growing in many countries about the strains that persistently high levels of unemployment are placing on the social fabric. Over five years have passed since the onset of the global financial and economic crisis but an uneven and weak recovery has not generated enough jobs to make a serious dent in unemployment in many OECD countries. In April 2013, 8% of the OECD …Read More

The popular legitimacy of European healthcare systems: A multilevel analysis of 24 countries

Missinne, Sarah, Meuleman, Bart, Bracke, Piet, (2013), “The popular legitimacy of European  healthcare systems: A multilevel analysis of  24 countries”, Journal of European Social Policy, Vol. 23, Issue 3, July 2013, p.p,  231-247 This paper provides an empirical study of the between-individual and between-country differences in the popular legitimacy of European healthcare systems. In order to explain two dimensions of popular legitimacy (satisfaction and support for state responsibility), we assess …Read More

Social protection budgets in the crisis in the EU

Bontout, Ol., Lokajickova, Ter., (2013), “Social protection budgets in the crisis in the EU”, DG for Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion, Working Paper-01/2013. The first working paper in the 2013 series reviews social protection expenditure developments in the crisis, focusing on expenditure trends in volumes following the peak of the crisis (2009), on changes in the distribution of incomes and, notably, on the distributional impact of austerity packages.