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Europe’s Secret Bailout

Sinn, Hans-Werner, (2016), “Europe’s Secret Bailout”, Project Syndicate, 28 November While the world worries about Donald Trump, Brexit, and the flow of refugees from Syria and other war-torn countries, the European Central Bank continues to work persistently and below the public radar on its debt-restructuring plan – also known as quantitative easing (QE) – to ease the burden on over-indebted eurozone countries. Relevant Posts Hüttl, Pia, Merler, Silvia, (2016), “An update: Sovereign …Read More

Why we need a positive fiscal stance for the Eurozone and what it means

Buti, Marco, Rodríguez Muñoz, Lucía, (2016), “Why we need a positive fiscal stance for the Eurozone and what it means”, VoxEu, 28 November With growth still weaker than is desirable and challenges originating from geopolitical developments further complicating the economic outlook, responsible growth-friendly fiscal policy needs to play a bigger role in supporting demand in the Eurozone today. This column presents a new European Commission Communication on Eurozone fiscal policy, …Read More

Fiscal space and low interest rates: A Eurozone perspective

Buti, Marco, Carnot, Nicolas, (2016), “Fiscal space and low interest rates: A Eurozone perspective”, VoxEu, 28 November The European Commission has just called for a fiscal stance that is more supportive of the recovery and of monetary policy in the Eurozone. This column argues that the case is strong for spending now on investment and other targeted programmes supporting growth and employment. However, fiscal space is heterogeneously distributed across the …Read More

The positive effect of public investment on potential growth

Fournier, Jean-Marc, (2016), “The positive effect of public investment on potential growth”, OECD Economics Department Working Paper No. 1347, 22 November An estimated baseline convergence model capturing the long-term effect of human capital and physical investment on potential output for a panel of OECD countries is augmented with public investment and its components. The estimations suggest that public investment has a positive effect on long-term growth and on labour productivity. …Read More

Academic labour markets in Europe vary widely in openness and job security

Afonso, Alexandre, (2016), “Academic labour markets in Europe vary widely in openness and job security”, LSE EUROPP blog, 24 November Having examined the organisation of Europe’s academic labour markets, Alexandre Afonso outlines the main differences between countries across the continent. There is greatest variance in two particular areas: the extent to which academic labour markets are open to outsiders, and the job security they provide for recent PhD graduates. This has obvious …Read More

Can an increase in public investment sustainably lift economic growth?

Mourougane, Annabelle, Botev, Jarmila, Fournier, Jean-Marc, Pain Nigel, Rusticelli, Elena, (2016), “Can an increase in public investment sustainably lift economic growth?”, OECD Economics Department Working Paper No 1351, 24 November This paper seeks to identify the conditions under which raising public investment can sustainably lift growth without deteriorating public finances. To do so, it relies on a range of simulations using three different macro-structural models. According to the simulations, OECD governments …Read More

The effect of the size and mix of public spending on growth and inequality

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, (2016), “The effect of the size and mix of public spending on growth and inequality”, OECD Economics Department, 24 November The size and mix of public spending can have a considerable effect on growth and inequality. For instance, too large governments tend to reduce growth, unless governments function in a highly effective way. On the other hand, large governments tend to redistribute more, thereby reducing …Read More

The distribution of the growth dividends

Hermansen, Mikkel, Ruiz, Nicolas, Causa, Orsetta, (2016), “The distribution of the growth dividends”, OECD Economics Department Working Papers No. 1343, 17 November Widespread increases in inequality over the past three decades have raised the question of the distribution of the growth dividends. This paper finds that there is no single answer to this question. The mechanisms that link growth and income inequality are found to differ depending on the sources of …Read More

Fleeing from Italy

Reinhart, Carmen, (2016), “Fleeing from Italy”, Project Syndicate, 23 November Italy’s referendum on December 4 will give voters the opportunity to approve or reject what some have described as the country’s most extensive constitutional reforms since the abolition of the monarchy at the end of World War II. Yet it may be the fact that Italy’s three opposition parties all favor exiting the euro that explains why Prime Minster Matteo Renzi …Read More

Income inequality has been falling in the EU

Darvas, Zsolt, (2016), “Income inequality has been falling in the EU”, Bruegel, 23 November The properly measured EU-wide Gini coefficient of disposable income inequality shows that inequality in the EU as whole declined in 1994-2008, after which it remained broadly stable. However, within the EU, there are large differences in income inequality which require policy action. Relevant Posts Marzinotto, Benedicta, (2016), “Income Inequality and Macroeconomic Imbalances under EMU”, LSE, May Marzinotto, Benedicta, (2016), …Read More