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European Union’s Key Figures

Alonso Alonso, Lucas Juan Manuel, (2016), “European Union’s Key Figures”, LSE Euro Crisis in the Press blog, 15 November With the objective to draw some conclusions about macroeconomic stability and economic structure, this article examines for the 28 Member States of the European Union, the following aspects: GDP and AIC per capita, General Government Gross Debt, Labour Productivity (monetary units and percentages), Average Annual Wages, Annual Hours Worked, Jobless and Average …Read More

Securitization and Credit Quality

Marques‐Ibanez , David, (2016), “Securitization and Credit Quality”, IMF Working Paper 16/221, 16 November Banks are usually better informed on the loans they originate than other financial intermediaries. As a result, securitized loans might be of lower credit quality than otherwise similar nonsecuritized loans. We assess the effect of securitization activity on loans’ relative credit quality employing a uniquely detailed dataset from the euro-denominated syndicated loan market. We find that, at …Read More

How do policies influence GDP tail risks?

Caldera Sánchez, Aida, Röhn, Oliver, (2016), “How do policies influence GDP tail risks?”, OECD, 16 November This paper explores the relationship between policy settings and extreme positive and negative growth events, what we call GDP tail risks, using quantile regression methods. Conditioning on several country characteristics such as the size, stage of development and openness to trade as well as macroeconomic policies, the following findings for a panel of mostly …Read More

Reforming the EU’s Budget Revenue: The case for a visible VAT-based resource

Cipriani, Gabriele, (2016), “Reforming the EU’s Budget Revenue: The case for a visible VAT-based resource”, CEPS, 14 November This paper finds that the long-awaited reform of the EU’s revenue arrangements can be pursued within the current legal framework, thus keeping member states’ fiscal sovereignty unaffected. In order to have a chance of approval by national parliaments, the author recommends that reform options should concentrate on known grounds and operational solutions. …Read More

What role for the financial markets in Europe?

Claeys, Grégory, (2016), “What role for the financial markets in Europe?”, Bruegel, 16 November The European European financial system is too strongly bank-based. How can it be rebalanced to become favourable to growth and employment again? Relevant Posts Chalmers, Adam William, (2015), “Financial industry mobilisation and securities markets regulation in Europe”, European Journal of Political Research, Issue 3, Volume 54, August Kincaid, G. Russell, (2016), “Different lessons For Europe from American financial …Read More

A Tale of Two Sectors: Why is Misallocation Higher in Services than in Manufacturing?

A. Dias, Daniel, Robalo Marques, Carlos, Richmond, Christine, (2016), “A Tale of Two Sectors: Why is Misallocation Higher in Services than in Manufacturing?”, IMF Working Paper 16/220, 15 November Recent empirical studies document that the level of resource misallocation in the service sector is signicantly higher than in the manufacturing sector. We quantify the importance of this difference and study its sources. Conservative estimates for Portugal (2008) show that closing this …Read More

What next for Europe’s banking system?

Dombrovskis, Valdis, (2016), “What next for Europe’s banking system?”, Bruegel, 15 November Speech by Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis at Bruegel on 15 November 2016 Relevant Posts De Groen, Willem Pieter, Gros, Daniel, (2016), “European banks under stress (tests): Which remain the most resilient?”, CEPS, 11 August Stanislas de Finance, Risto Nieminen, (2016), “Testing the resilience of banking union”, European Added Value Unit PE 558.778, April

Trade Costs of Sovereign Debt Restructurings: Does a Market-Friendly Approach Improve the Outcome?

Asonuma, Tamon, Chamon, Marcos, Sasahara, Akira, (2016), “Trade Costs of Sovereign Debt Restructurings: Does a Market-Friendly Approach Improve the Outcome?”, IMF Working Paper 16/222, 16 November Sovereign debt restructurings have been shown to influence the dynamics of imports and exports. This paper shows that the impact can vary substantially depending on whether the restructuring takes place preemptively without missing payments to creditors, or whether it takes place after a default has …Read More

Business Cycle Synchronization in the EMU: Core vs. Periphery

Belke, Ansgar, Domnick, Clemens, Gros, Daniel, (2016), “Business Cycle Synchronization in the EMU: Core vs. Periphery”, CEPS, 14 November This paper examines business cycle synchronization in the European Monetary Union with a special focus on the core-periphery pattern in the aftermath of the crisis.  Using  a  quarterly index for business cycle synchronization by Cerqueira (2013), our panel data estimates suggest that it is countries belonging to the core that  are …Read More

Can Reforms Promoting Growth Increase Financial Fragility? An Empirical Assessment

Caldera Sánchez, Aida, Gori, Filippo, (2016), “Can Reforms Promoting Growth Increase Financial Fragility? An Empirical Assessment”, OECD ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT WORKING PAPERS No. 1340, 16 November Certain growth-promoting policies can have negative side-effects by increasing the vulnerability of economies to financial crises. Typical examples are greater openness to financial flows or more liberalised financial markets. This paper investigates whether the growth benefits of policy reforms in these growthenhancing areas, and others such as trade …Read More