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The False Promise of Negative Interest Rates

Robert Skidelsky, (2016), “The False Promise of Negative Interest Rates”, Project Syndicate, 24 May Negative interest rates are simply the latest fruitless effort since the 2008 global financial crisis to revive economies by monetary measures. When cutting interest rates to historically low levels failed to revive growth, central banks took to so-called quantitative easing: injecting liquidity into economies by buying long-term government and other bonds. It did some good, but mostly …Read More

Can Spain break the curse of the periphery? The upcoming Spanish election and what it means for Europe

Miroslav Beblavý, (2016), “Can Spain break the curse of the periphery? The upcoming Spanish election and what it means for Europe”, CEPS Essay No 24, 23 May In this CEPS Essay, Miroslav Beblavý takes stock of the changing situation in Spanish politics one month before the early elections, which are expected to take place on June 26th in the hope that a new government can finally be formed. He finds …Read More

Helicopter money: The illusion of a free lunch

Claudio Borio, Piti Disyatat, Anna Zabai,(2016), “Helicopter money: The illusion of a free lunch”, Voxeu, 24 May As central banks have been testing the limits of unconventional monetary policies, many observers have started to consider more radical options. One that has been gaining ground is that of ‘helicopter money’ (Friedman 1969) or, more soberly described, ‘overt money finance’ of government deficits (Turner 2015). Proponents see it as a sure-fire way …Read More

Core and periphery: different approaches to unconventional monetary policy

Dabrowski, Marek, (2016), “Core and periphery: different approaches to unconventional monetary policy “, Bruegel, 24 May Ιn the aftermath of the global financial crisis of 2007-2009, central banks in a number of advanced economies rapidly expanded their reserve (base) money and resorted to various unconventional monetary policy measures. Quantitative easing (QE), a massive purchase of securities including Treasury bonds, has played a prominent role in this new toolkit. These new practices have …Read More

A Debt Agenda for the G7

Feldstein, Martin, (2016), ” A Debt Agenda for the G7″, Project Syndicate, 23 May On May 26-27, the heads of the Group of Seven leading industrial countries will gather in Japan to discuss common security and economic problems. A major common problem that deserves their attention is the unsustainable increase in the major developed countries’ national debt. Failure to address the explosion of government borrowing will have adverse effects on the …Read More

The European Deposit Insurance Scheme

Guntram B. Wolff, (2016), “The European Deposit Insurance Scheme”,Bruegel, 23 May It is welcome that the European Union and the euro area in particular discuss the topic of a European deposit insurance. In fact, to complete banking union, three pillars are indispensable: banking supervision, bank resolution and deposit insurance. In terms of institution building, I would argue that supervision is now fully in place while the European Resolution Mechanism with its …Read More

Safeguarding the euro as a currency beyond the state

Ad van Riet, (2016), “Safeguarding the euro as a currency beyond the state“, ECB Occasional Papers No 173 / Μάϊος This paper reviews the debate on the longer-term requirements for safeguarding the euro as a currency beyond the state that is anchored through collective governance instead of a central government. The strengthening of EU economic and financial governance in the wake of the euro area crisis goes a long way towards creating …Read More

Competition, Growth and Regulatory Heterogeneity in Europe’s Digital Economy

Matthias Bauer, Fredrik Erixon, (2016), “Competition, Growth and Regulatory Heterogeneity in Europe’s Digital Economy”, ECIPE Working paper No 2/2016, April Far too many policymakers in Europe have a confused vision about the policy conditions required for Europe to grow its digital economy. Their habits of thought – a sense of what is reasonable, necessary and inevitable – are now deeply embedded in the EU’s endeavours of digital policymaking. Digital underperformance, as frequently …Read More

The Euro Plus Monitor Spring 2016 Update

Holger Schmieding, (2016), “The Euro Plus Monitor Spring 2016 Update”, The Lisbon Council, 22 Μαϊου Europe can adjust. It has done so before. In the 1980s, Margaret Tatcher cured the “sick man of Europe.” In the 1990s, Scandinavian countries reformed their bloated welfare states. From 2004 to 2006, Germany turned its struggling economy into a new growth engine for Europe through serious labour market and welfare reforms. And, in many …Read More

Recent trends in euro area banks’ business models and implications for banking sector stability

Christoffer Kok, Csaba Móré, Monica Petrescu, (2016), “Recent trends in euro area banks’ business models and implications for banking sector stability”, ECB Financial Stability Review, May This special feature reviews recent trends in business model characteristics, discusses their relationship with bank stability and performance, and looks at how this relationship has changed over time, comparing the period before the crisis with the crisis years and the current situation.The financial crisis and …Read More