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Output gaps and unemployment by age and gender

Dixon, Robert, Lim, Guay, Van Ours, Jan, (2016), “Output gaps and unemployment by age and gender”, Voxeu, 3 Μay Okun’s law describes the positive empirical relationship between unemployment and the output gap. This column explores how this relationship differs depending on age and gender, taking into account different labour market institutions. Using data for 20 OECD countries over three decades, the authors find that the effect of Okun’s relationship decreases with age. Labour market …Read More

Reinforcing the Eurozone and protecting an open society

Corsetti, Giancarlo, Koijen, Ralph S.J., Reichlin, Lucrezia,  Reis, Ricardo, Rey, Hélène, Weder di Mauro, Beatrice, (2016), “Reinforcing the Eurozone and protecting an open society”, Voxeu, 4 May The sovereign debt and refugee crises prove that Europe has failed to design institutions robust enough to weather difficult times. Coordinated actions are needed, but these are difficult to implement because of the political climate. This column presents the 2nd Monitoring the Eurozone report, in which the authors propose …Read More

Completing the Eurozone banking union: What must be done

Borri, Nicola, Reichlin, Pietro, (2016), “Completing the Eurozone banking union: What must be done”, Voxeu, 4 Μay Most commentators agree that a European banking union would end the ‘deadly embrace’ between creditors and governments. This column argues that a banking union would be welcome, but that current proposals are dogged with problems. To resolve these, we should stop discussing debt restructuring and instead enhance the borrowing capacity of the European Stability Mechanism. A …Read More

The Next Global Boom – and Bust

Johnson, Simon, (2016),  “The Next Global Boom – and Bust”, Project Syndicate, 29 April The mood at the International Monetary Fund-World Bank spring meetings here earlier this month was grim. The latest IMF forecast for global growth has been revised downward yet again – suggesting the world will grow at an annual rate of just over 3% this year and again in 2017. If realized, this would be a dismal performance. Before …Read More

Imperial legacy? The EU´s Developmental Model and the Crisis of the European Periphery

Notermans,Ton, (2014), “Imperial legacy? The EU´s Developmental Model and the Crisis of the European Periphery”, CES Papers Open Forum #19, The high hopes for rapid convergence of Eastern and Southern EU member states are increasingly being disappointed. With the onset of the Eurocrisis convergence has given way to divergence in the southern members, and many Eastern members have made little headway in closing the development gap. The EU´s performance compares …Read More

Sovereign risk and bank risk-taking

Ari,Anil, (2016), ” Sovereign risk and bank risk-taking”, ECB Working Paper Series No 1894, April 2016 In European countries recently hit by a sovereign debt crisis, the share of domestic sovereign debt held by the national banking system has sharply increased, raising issues in their economic and Önancial resilience, as well as in policy design. This paper examines these issues by analyzing the banking equilibrium in a model with optimizing banks and depositors. …Read More

Fighting deflation with unconventional fiscal policy

D’Acunto, Francesco, Hoang, Daniel, Weber, Michael, (2016), “Fighting deflation with unconventional fiscal policy”, VoxEu, 26 Απριλίου The Eurozone faces zero inflation paired with low economic growth. With monetary policy hobbled by the zero lower bound, it is time to think more broadly. This column discusses the theoretical and empirical evidence on ‘unconventional fiscal policy’.  Such policies aim to increase growth and inflation in a budget-neutral fashion, while keeping the tax …Read More

Banks and the political economy of the sovereign debt crisis in italy and spain

Quaglia, Lucia, Royo, Sebastian, (2014), “Banks and the political economy of the sovereign debt crisis in Italy and Spain“, CES papers This paper sets out to explain why Spain experienced a full-fledged sovereign debt crisis and had to resort to euroarea financial assistance for its banks, whereas Italy did not. It undertakes a structured comparison, dissecting the sovereign debt crisis into a banking crisis and a balance of payments crisis. It …Read More

Structural Labour Market Reforms And The Collective Bargaining Landscape In Europe

Koukiadaki, Aristea, Távora, Isabel,  Lucio,Miguel Martínez, (2016), “Structural Labour Market Reforms And The Collective Bargaining Landscape In Europe”, Social Europe, 26 April The sovereign debt crisis continues to have profound consequences on industrial relations systems across the European Union. Most notably, collective bargaining has become much weaker and more fragmented in many countries as a result of both domestic and supranational responses to the crisis. But how exactly are policy …Read More

Italy’s Atlas bank bailout fund: the shareholder of last resort

Merler, Silvia, “Italy’s Atlas bank bailout fund: the shareholder of last resort”, Bruegel, 22 April Italy’s new bank fund Atlas might be what is needed in the short run, but in the longer term the fund will increase systemic risk. What ultimately matters is how this initiative will affect the quality of bank governance, a key issue for the future resilience of the system. In Greek mythology, Atlas the Titan was …Read More