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The fiscal effects of work-related tax expenditures in Europe

Barrios, S., Fatica, S., Martinez, D. & Mourre, G. (2015) “The fiscal effects of work-related tax expenditures in Europe“, European Economy. Economic Papers, Νο. 545. February: Brussels.   Work-related tax incentives can have a significant effect on how much, if at all, certain individuals decide to work. This paper examines the fiscal impacts and associated welfare costs of reforms to such tax relief measures in five European countries, France, Spain, …Read More

Searching for the EMU core member countries

Basse, T. (2015) “Searching for the EMU core member countries“, European Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 34, Supplement, June2014, pp. S32–S39.   This study uses techniques of cointegration analysis and tests for structural change to search for changes to sovereign credit risk in some relevant member states of the European Monetary Union (EMU) trying to identify core countries. While there are a number of core countries the empirical findings presented …Read More

Five minutes with Philippe Legrain: “The Eurozone has become a glorified debtors’ prison”

Interview: “Five minutes with Philippe Legrain: “The Eurozone has become a glorified debtors’ prison”, LSE EUROPP, 09 March 2015.   With no lasting solution yet found for dealing with Greek debt, and economies in the Eurozone continuing to suffer from weak growth, how can Europe finally solve the problems brought on by the financial crisis? In an interview with EUROPP’s editor Stuart Brown, Philippe Legrain discusses the policy failures at …Read More

European Democracy Is In A State Of Emergency

Offe, C. (2015) “European Democracy Is In A State Of Emergency“, Social Europe Journal, 06 March.   Europe has had a rocky start to 2015. The Eurozone crisis is back on the agenda, a war is developing at Europe’s border and people across the continent seem more and more discontent with their political systems leading to the rise of different forms of populism. How healthy do you think is European …Read More

Cyprus and Iceland: a tale of two capital controls

Davíðsdóttir, S. (2015) “Cyprus and Iceland: a tale of two capital controls“, A Fistful of Euros – European Opinion Blog, 06 March.   Both in Cyprus and Iceland foreign funds flowed into the islands, in the end forcing the government to make use of extreme measures when the tide turned. These measures are normally called ‘capital controls’ which in these two cases hides the fact that the measures used are …Read More

Austerity and recovery: East Asian lessons for Europe

Chari, Α. & Blair Henry, Ρ. (2015) “Austerity and recovery: East Asian lessons for Europe“, VoxEU Organisation, 06 March.   In the wake of the Great Recession, a contentious debate has erupted over whether austerity is helpful or harmful for economic growth. This column compares the experiences of the East Asian countries – whose leaders responded to the East Asian financial crisis with expansionary fiscal policy – with those of …Read More

Macroprudential spillovers: The role of organisational structure

Danisewicz, Ρ., Reinhardt, D. & Sowerbutts, R. (2015) “Macroprudential spillovers: The role of organisational structure“, VoxEU Organisation, 05 March.   In a global financial system, macroprudential policies may create international spillovers. This column presents new evidence on how the organisational structure of a bank affects the magnitude of these spillovers. An increase in capital requirements at home causes foreign branches to reduce their lending growth to other banks operating in …Read More

The EU risks alienating the Moldovan population if it fails to take a tougher line with the country’s pro-European parties

Cenusa, D. (2015) “The EU risks alienating the Moldovan population if it fails to take a tougher line with the country’s pro-European parties“, LSE EUROPP, 05 March.   The EU signed an association agreement with Moldova in 2014. Denis Cenusa writes on the EU’s relations with the country since 2009, when a pro-European alliance of parties first came to power. He argues that the failure of these parties to successfully …Read More

How Many Educated Workers for Your Economy? European Targets, Optimal Public Spending, and Labor Market Impact

Lebon, Ι. & Rebière, Τ. (2015) “How Many Educated Workers for Your Economy? European Targets, Optimal Public Spending, and Labor Market Impact“, IZA DP No. 8854, February.   This paper studies optimal taxation schemes for education in a search-matching model where the labor market is divided between a high-skill and a low-skill sector. Two public policy targets –maximizing the global employment level and optimizing the social surplus– are studied according …Read More

Crime scars: Recessions and the making of career criminals

Bell, B., Bindler, A. & Machin, S. (2015) “Crime scars: Recessions and the making of career criminals“, VoxEU Organisation, 04 March.   Recessions can lead to an increase in youth unemployment, which could later negatively affect labour market outcomes. This column explores the effect of recessions on criminal activity. The findings indicate a substantial effect on initiating and forming youth careers. There is initially strong and eventually long-lasting detrimental effect …Read More