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A New Age Of IMF Bailouts – Great Britain In The 1970s

Tavares, E. M. (2014) “A New Age Of IMF Bailouts – Great Britain In The 1970s“, ΘZeroHedge, 12 October.   Hearing of IMF interventions generally conjures up images of developing nations (and the occasional Eurozone peripheral economy of late) facing some kind of financial difficulty. But it was actually Great Britain, the cradle of the industrialized world, which in 1976 became one of the first countries ever to be “bailed …Read More

Fighting Deflation: Would QE work in the euro area?

Gros, D. (2014) “Fighting Deflation: Would QE work in the euro area?“, Economic Policy, CEPS Commentaries, 09 October.   With inflation in the eurozone stubbornly remaining on a downward trajectory, pressure is growing on the ECB to do “something” to prevent outright deflation. But, given the financial structure of eurozone countries, would the preferred “something” – quantitative easing – actually do the trick?   Relevant posts: Wyplosz, C. (2014) “Is …Read More

Making the Most of EU Labour Mobility

Barslund, M. & Busse, M. (2014) “Making the Most of EU Labour Mobility“, Social welfare policies, CEPS Task Force Reports, 07 October.   This Task Force report combines the most recent data from Eurostat with national sources to highlight the most significant labour mobility trends within the EU. Overall, the recent recession has not induced previously immobile workers to become more mobile, at least not in the larger member states. …Read More

Implementing economic reforms – are EU Member States responding to European Semester recommendations?

Deroose, S. & Griesse, J. (2014) “Implementing economic reforms – are EU Member States responding to European Semester recommendations?“, ECFIN Economic Brief, Issue 37, October 2014.   Summary: For the past four years, the EU has issued country-specific recommendations for economic reform to its Member States under the European Semester. A synthetic indicator of EU-wide implementation of these recommendations shows a score of just over 40%. While this is higher …Read More

Europe is suffering from a psychological blind spot over migration in the Mediterranean

Zaiotti, R. (2014) “Europe is suffering from a psychological blind spot over migration in the Mediterranean“, LSE EUROPP, 10 October.   The death of migrants in the Mediterranean remains a significant problem for EU migration policy. Ruben Zaiotti argues that Europe’s approach to the issue can effectively be termed a type of ‘externalisation’, in which the responsibility for migration has been off loaded to origin and transit countries. He writes …Read More

International Debt and Financial Crises

Joyce, P. J. (2014) “International Debt and Financial Crises“, Economonitor, 09 Οκτωβρίου.   The latest issue of the IMF’s World Economic Outlook has a chapter on global imbalances that discusses the evolution of net foreign assets (also known as the net international investment position) in debtor and creditor nations. The authors warn that increases in the foreign holdings of domestic liabilities can raise the probability of different types of financial crises, including banking, currency, …Read More

Beware of Europe’s Policy Hardening

El-Erian, Α. Μ. (2014) “Beware of Europe’s Policy Hardening“, Bloomberg View, European Economy, 10 October.   Judging from the recent remarks by European officials, policy positions are hardening once again in the euro zone. Fueled by disappointing economic performance, the risk is that the deepening difference in views in Europe will further complicate a much-needed recovery. This is regrettable because it need not be so. Having flirted with a disorderly …Read More

Identifying fiscal sustainability challenges in the areas of pension, health care and long-term care policies

Eckefeldt, P., Schwierz, C., Giamboni, L., Aarnout, M. & Carone, G. (2014) “Identifying fiscal sustainability challenges in the areas of pension, health care and long-term care policies“, European Economy – Occasional Papers, No. 201, European Commission: Economic and Financial Affairs, October.   This paper presents a horizontal assessment framework used by the Commission services to identify structural-fiscal reforms that are deemed necessary to address fiscal sustainability challenges in the Member …Read More

ECB Gets a Small Win

Gilbert, M. (2014) “ECB Gets a Small Win“, Bloomberg View, 10 October.   The European Central Bank has been justifiably criticized for its claim that the magic of asset-backed bonds can reverse Europe’s slump back into recession. It got some support, though, from an unlikely source this week — the market for car loans in Finland. By the end of the year, Spain’s Banco Santander plans to bundle together a …Read More

Real-World Economics Review, Special issue on Piketty’s Capital

World Economics Association (WEA) Real-World Economics Review, Issue no. 69, 07 October 2014 Special Issue on Piketty’s Capital.   Economists and other social scientists tend to study “problems”. Issues not studied tend to be seen as “natural”. “Poverty” and the “poor” are problems, the subject of a vast social science literature. Inequality, income concentration, the behaviour and influence of the super-rich tend to be treated as part of the natural …Read More