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Highlights from the 1st ECB Annual Research Conference

Dedola, Luca, Laeven, Luc, (2016), “Highlights from the 1st ECB Annual Research Conference”, VoxEu, 15 November In September 2016, the ECB held its first Annual Research Conference. This column surveys the contributions to the conference, which brought together policymakers and academics from around the world to promote discussion of topics at the forefront of monetary and financial economic research. Nobel laureate Eric Maskin gave the keynote lecture, addressing whether fiscal policy …Read More

Long-Term Unemployment After the Great Recession: Causes and remedies

Bentolila, Samuel, Jansen, Marcel, (2016), “Long-Term Unemployment After the Great Recession: Causes and remedies”, VoxEu, 14 November This eBook examines the rise of long-term unemployment in post-recession Europe and examines its causes and the measures taken to address it. Relevant Posts Heidenreich, Martin, (2015), “The end of the honeymoon: The increasing differentiation of (long-term) unemployment risks in Europe”, Journal of European Social Policy, Issue 4, Volume 25, pp. 393-413, October Katz, F. L., …Read More

No smoking gun: Private shareholders, governance rules, and central bank financial behaviour

Bartels, Bernhard, Eichengreen, Barry, Weder di Mauro, Beatrice, (2016), “No smoking gun: Private shareholders, governance rules, and central bank financial behaviour”, VoxEu, 14 November Recent events have heightened concerns that central banks with private shareholders might differ in their financial behaviour from purely public central banks, perhaps focusing excessively on profits, dividends, and risks to their balance sheets. Using information on shareholding and new data on governance rules for 35 …Read More

Financial globalisation and monetary policy effectiveness

Georgiadis, Georgios, Mehl, Arnaud, (2016), “Financial globalisation and monetary policy effectiveness”, VoxEu, 14 November In theory, financial globalisation has ambiguous effects on monetary policy. It may dampen effectiveness, but it may also amplify it through exchange rate valuation effects. This column shows evidence that the latter effect has dominated since the 1990s. Financial globalisation has increased the output effect of a tightening in monetary policy by as much as 25%. …Read More

Are advanced economies at risk of falling into debt traps?

Dabrowski, Marek, (2016), “Are advanced economies at risk of falling into debt traps?”, Bruegel, 10 November One of the consequences of the global financial crisis has been rapid growth in public debt in most advanced economies. This Policy Contribution assesses the size of public debt in advanced economies and considers the potential consequences of sovereign insolvency. Relevant Posts Jaramillo, Laura, Mulas-Granados, Carlos, Kimani, Elijah, (2016), “The Blind Side of Public Debt Spikes”, …Read More

Public support for the euro

Roth, Felix, Jonung, Lars, Nowak-Lehmann, Felicitas, (2016), “Public support for the euro”, VoxEu, 11 November The euro as a common currency has recently been the subject of harsh criticism by economists from both sides of the Atlantic, including claims that citizens in some Eurozone countries are turning against the it. This column argues that, in fact, the euro currently enjoys comfortable popular support in each of the 12 original member states …Read More

Income convergence during the crisis: did EU funds provide a buffer?

Merler, Silvia, (2016), “Income convergence during the crisis: did EU funds provide a buffer?”, Bruegel, 10 November Economic convergence is at the heart of European Union integration.  Cohesion policy was born in the 1980s with the aim of complementing the creation of a single European market and fostering the economic development of less advantaged EU regions. This objective is especially relevant in light of the economic crisis that has exacted a …Read More

A Decentralised Fiscal Stimulus Is The Right Answer To The EMU’s Problems

Fazi, Thomas, Iodice, Guido, (2016), “A Decentralised Fiscal Stimulus Is The Right Answer To The EMU’s Problems”, Social Europe, 9 November The global financial crisis exposed the euro’s original sin of depriving member states of their fiscal autonomy without transferring this spending power to a higher authority. This left member states utterly defenceless in the face of economic crises such as the 2008 booms-gone-bust. Yet, the crisis didn’t bring about, as one …Read More

Some are more equal than others: new estimates of global and regional inequality

Darvas, Zsolt, (2016), “Some are more equal than others: new estimates of global and regional inequality”, Bruegel, 8 November Zsolt Darvas compares four methodologies to estimate the global distribution of income and find that many methods work well, but the method based on two-parameter distributions is more accurate than other methods. This method is simpler, easier to implement and relies on a more internationally-comparable dataset of national income distributions than …Read More

Diverging household debt patterns in the Eurozone: The role of institutions

Bover, Olympia, Casado, Jose Maria, Costa, Sónia, Du Caju, Philip, McCarthy, Yvonne, Sierminska, Eva, Tzamourani, Panagiota, Villanueva, Ernesto, Zavadil, Tibor, (2016), “Diverging household debt patterns in the Eurozone: The role of institutions”, VoxEu, 8 November Household micro-data reveal striking differences in secured debt holdings across Eurozone countries. This column presents new evidence on the role of household characteristics and country institutions in accounting for the cross-country patterns observed. In countries with lengthier …Read More