Andor, László, Hess, Regula, (2016), “Automatic Fiscal Stabiliser: Make it happen!”, European Policy Centre, 2 Μay The eurozone crisis triggered a whole new series of innovations in EU economic governance in order to make the Union more resilient for the next economic downswing. But one of the more persistent issues are the socio-economic divergences between member states, identified by the Five Presidents’ Report as a major problem in the functioning of the Economic and …Read More
Does tax competition make mobile firms more footloose?
Ferrett, Ben, Hoefele, Andreas, Wooton, Ian, (2016), “Does tax competition make mobile firms more footloose?”, Centre for Economic Policy Research, June Existing analyses of fiscal competition for foreign direct investment (FDI) often assume a one-shot interaction between governments and the firm within a static environment where the firm makes a permanent location choice. We examine a two-period regional model where economic geography evolves, giving the firm an incentive to relocate between periods. Government competition …Read More
Are central bank(er)s still credible?
Demertzis, Maria, (2016), “Are central bank(er)s still credible?”, Bruegel, 14 June Both the Fed and the ECB have managed to remain credible since the financial crisis, but their credibility levels have evolved differently. Since inflation in the US and the euro area has been similar in the past 8 years, the difference in the way that credibility has evolved is the result of the different macroeconomic policy mix applied. Relevant Posts …Read More
Collaborative Business Models and Efficiency – Potential Efficiency Gains in the European Union
Vera Demary, Barbara Engels, (2016), “Collaborative Business Models and Efficiency – Potential Efficiency Gains in the European Union”, Cologne Institute for Economic Research, Impulse Paper No. 07, 29 April With the advent of the all-embracing digitization, the internet-based collaborative economy, which harnesses the power of technology to connect people in transactions, is on the rise. It provides services in a different way than traditional economies: Traditional service providers typically adopt a pipe-like business …Read More
Global credit risk: world, country and industry factors
Bernd Schwaab, Siem Jan Koopman, André Lucas, (2016), “Global credit risk: world, country and industry factors”, ECB Working Paper 1922, June We investigate the dynamic properties of systematic default risk conditions for firms in different countries, industries and rating groups. We use a high-dimensional nonlinear non-Gaussian state space model to estimate common components in corporate defaults in a 41 country sample between 1980Q1–2014Q4, covering both the global financial crisis and euro area …Read More
International Taxation and Tax Rulings: Policy Issues at Challenging Times
John Vella, , Elly Van de Velde, Raymond Luja, (2016), “International Taxation and Tax Rulings: Policy Issues at Challenging Times” , PE 578.987, IP/A/TAXE/2016-08 May 2016 Reforming international taxation is a complex and difficult matter that will be the subject of continual discussion and negotiation for years to come. Since most major players are willing to settle for incremental change toward a better system, the world should be able to do …Read More
A Tale of Two Debt Write-Downs
Adair Turner, (2016), “A Tale of Two Debt Write-Downs”, Project Syndicate, 10 June At the end of 2015, Greece’s public debt was 176% of GDP, while Japan’s debt ratio was 248%. Neither government will ever repay all they owe. Write-offs and monetization are inevitable, putting both countries in a sort of global vanguard. With total public and private debt worldwide at 215% of world GDP and rising, the tools on which …Read More
Helicopter money and fiscal rules
Muellbauer, John, (2016), “Helicopter money and fiscal rules”, Voxeu, 10 June The Eurozone faces a lost decade or worse under current fiscal policy and restrictions on monetary policy. The ECB now faces a fundamental contradiction in its mandate between the Lisbon Treaty’s Article 127 (price stability, plus the ECB target of under but close to 2% inflation) and Article 123 (no overt monetary finance of governments). This article discusses three options …Read More
Endogeneity Analysis of Output Synchronization in the Current and Prospective EMU
Arestis, Philip, Phelps, Peter, (2016), “Endogeneity Analysis of Output Synchronization in the Current and Prospective EMU”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 54, Issue 3, Μay The sustainability of European EMU (economic and monetary union) remains an important issue in light of existing plans for enlargement. This article conducts an endogeneity analysis of output synchronization, based on panel data estimation from 1994 to 2013, for different country-groups, including core, periphery, central and eastern European countries, …Read More
The use of ECB liquidity
Leandro, Álvaro, (2016), “The use of ECB liquidity”, Bruegel, 9 June The Eurosystem’s regular open market operations consist of one-week liquidity-providing operations (MROs), and three-month liquidity-providing operations (LTROs). We have updated data on the use of these operations by country. Relevant Posts Ippolito, Filippo, Peydró, José-Luis, Polo, Andrea, Sette, Enrico, (2016), “Double bank runs, liquidity risk management, and Basel III”, Voxeu, 10 Μay Garcia-de-Andoain, Carlos, Heider, Florian, Hoerova, Marie, Manganelli, Simone, (2016), “Lending-of-last-resort is as lending-of-last-resort does: Central bank …Read More