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Are Germans poorer than other Europeans? The principal Eurozone differences in wealth and income

D’alessio, Giovanni, Gambacorta, Romina, Ilardi, Giuseppe, (2013), “Are Germans poorer than other Europeans? The principal Eurozone differences in wealth and income”,, 24 May. The ECB’s recent survey on household finances and consumption threw up some unexpected results – counter-intuitively, the average German household has less wealth than the average Mediterranean household. In line with a recent contribution from De Grauwe and Ji, this article analyses the principal differences …Read More

Europe’s Lost Keynesians

Rogoff, Kenneth, (2013), “Europe’s Lost Keynesians”,, 23 May. There is no magic Keynesian bullet for the eurozone’s woes. But the spectacularly muddle-headed argument nowadays that too much austerity is killing Europe is not surprising. Commentators are consumed by politics, flailing away at any available target, while the “anti-austerity” masses apparently believe that there are easy cyclical solutions to tough structural problems.

Foreign Borrowing in the Euro Area Periphery: The End Is Near

Higgins, Matthew, Klitgaard, Thomas, (2013), “Foreign Borrowing in the Euro Area Periphery: The End Is Near”, Federal Reserve of New York, 22 Μαΐου. Current account deficits in euro area periphery countries have now largely disappeared. This represents a substantial adjustment. Only two years ago, deficits stood at nearly 10 percent of GDP in Greece and Portugal and 5 percent in Spain and Italy.

Does fairness matter for the success of fiscal consolidation?”

Kaplanoglou, G., Rapanos, V. & Bardakas, I., (2013), “Does fairness matter for the success of fiscal consolidation?” , University of Athens-Department of Economics, Economic Discussion Reports, N. 2013/6. Does it matter for fiscal consolidation programs to be fair in order to be successful? This question has never been empirically addressed despite its profound importance especially since many developed countries have embarked on fiscal consolidation programs, which in many cases have …Read More

Beware the Warrants

Pagratis, Spyros, (2013), “Beware the Warrants”, Greek Economists for, 20 Μay. Current provisions for a too-early exit of the Hellenic Financial Stability Fund from Greek banks risk creating self-reinforcing market dislocations. By offering too many free warrants to private investors, at predetermined exercise prices, share prices of Greek banks could be driven consistently away from fundamentals. That could undermine the smooth transition to full private-sector ownership of the Greek …Read More

Learning about growth from austerity

Spence, Michael, (2013), “Learning about growth from austerity”,, 18 May. In a recent set of studies, Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff used a vast array of historical data to show that the accumulation of high levels of public (and private) debt relative to GDP has an extended negative effect on growth. The size of the effect incited debate about errors in their calculations. Few, however, doubt the validity of …Read More

Propping up teetering Europe necessary for China’s own interests

Tzogopoulos, George (2013), “Propping up teetering Europe necessary for China’s own interests”, Global Times, 16 May. The European debt crisis is a significant challenge for China. There’s the risk for Beijing’s export-dependent economy and the threat to China’s attempt to achieve a successful diversification of its currency reserves. But perhaps the most important problem is that a potential disintegration of the European common currency area might have dramatic consequences on …Read More

EU-IMF assistance to euro area countries: an early assessment

Pisani-Ferry, Jean,  Sapir, André & Wolff, Guntram, (2013), EU-IMF assistance to euro area countries: an early assessment, Bruegel. Three years ago, in May 2010, Greece became the first euro-area country to receive financial assistance from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund in exchange for implementing an economic programme designed by the Troika of the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the IMF. Within a year, Ireland and Portugal went …Read More

The continent-wide rise of Euroscepticism

Torreblanca, Jose Ignacio and Leonard, Mark, (2013), “The continent-wide rise of Euroscepticism”, European Council on Foreign Relations, 16 May. Euroscepticism has spread across the continent like a virus. It is striking that everyone in the EU has been losing faith in the European project: both creditors and debtors, eurozone countries, would- be members and “opt-outs”. So what is going on? In ECFR’s new policy memo – The continent – wide …Read More