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Democracy, Solidarity And The European Crisis

Habermas, Jürgen, (2013), “Democracy, Solidarity And The European Crisis”, Social Europe Journal, 7 May. The European Union owes its existence to the efforts of political elites who could count on the passive consent of their more or less indifferent populations as long as the peoples could regard the Union as also being in their economic interests, all things considered. The Union has legitimized itself in the eyes of the citizens …Read More

Europe’s Lost Generation?

FutureLab Europe, (2013), “Europe’s Lost Generation?”, European Policy Centre, 29 April. Europe’s youth has been hit hard by the economic crisis. An unprecedented level of youth unemployment, emigration and disaffection has earned Europe’s current cohort of young people the unenviable label: lost generation. FutureLab Europe consists of a group of young people from across the European continent that is currently seeking to better understand the problems of the “lost generation”. …Read More

Did the euro kill governance in the periphery

Villaverde, Jesus Fernandez, Garikano, Luis, Santos, Tano, (2013), “Did the euro kill governance in the periphery” ,, 30 April. By the end of the 1990s, under the incentive of Eurozone entry, most peripheral European countries were busy undertaking structural reforms and putting their fiscal houses in order. This column argues that the arrival of the euro, and the subsequent interest-rate convergence, loosened a tide of cheap money that reversed …Read More

How Germany Benefits from the Euro in Economic Terms

Petersen, Thieß, (2013), “How Germany Benefits from the Euro in Economic Terms”, Bertelsmann Stiftung, 29 April. There can be no doubt about the fact that Germany benefits from the euro in a significant number of ways. For example, monetary union membership helps to reduce the cost of international trade, and provides protection against excessive exchange rate volatility. This means that even if Germany had to write off a large percentage …Read More

Youth unemployment-Does the EU care about it’s future?

Dheret, Claire, (2013), “Youth unemployment-Does the EU care about it’s future?” , European Policy Centre Publications, Policy Brief, April 2013. Youth unemployment levels in Europe are hitting new highs: more than 5.7 million (23.6%) young people in the European Union (EU) were without a job in January 2013. These figures, and more generally the growing number of NEETs (young people not in employment, education or training), pose a serious challenge …Read More

European austerity: Turn or TINA?

Tilford, Simon, (2013), “European austerity: Turn or TINA?”,, 25 April. Will European governments reverse the austerity course that has done so much to damage their already enfeebled economies? With the revelation of mathematical errors in the work of two Harvard economists, Carmen Reinhart and Ken Rogoff – who had claimed to show that economic growth falls off a cliff once a country’s ratio of debt to GDP reaches 90 …Read More

Debt, Growth and the Austerity Debate

Reinhart, Carmen, Rogoff, Kenneth, (2013), “Debt, Growth and the Austerity Debate”, The New York Times, 25 April. In May 2010, we published an academic paper, “Growth in a Time of Debt.” Its main finding, drawing on data from 44 countries over 200 years, was that in both rich and developing countries, high levels of government debt — specifically, gross public debt equaling 90 percent or more of the nation’s annual …Read More

Should Germany Exit the Euro?

Sinn, Hans-Werner, (2013), “Should Germany Exit the Euro?” ,, 23 April. Last summer, the financier George Soros urged Germany to agree to the establishment of the European Stability Mechanism, calling on the country to “lead or leave.” Now he says that Germany should exit the euro if it continues to block the introduction of Eurobonds. Soros is playing with fire. Leaving the eurozone is precisely what the newly founded …Read More

Is the euro crisis responsible for populism?

Barysch, Katinka, (2013), “Is the euro crisis responsible for populism?” , Centre for European Reform, 19 April. Populists and extremists are on the rise across Europe. Even Germany is now seeing the rise of a eurosceptic party. The euro crisis is the reason for growing political risk in the eurozone. Or is it? True, populist parties are more important in several euro countries. But the reasons for this are manifold …Read More

Principles of a Two-Tier European Deposit (Re-) Insurance System

Gros, Daniel, (2013), “Principles of a Two-Tier European Deposit (Re-)Insurance System”, CEPS Policy Brief, N. 287. There is general agreement that banking supervision and resolution have to be organized at the same level. It is often argued, however, that there is no need to tackle deposit insurance because it is too politically sensitive. This note proposes to apply the principles of subsidiarity and re-insurance to deposit insurance: Existing national deposit …Read More