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German macroeconomics: The long shadow of Walter Eucken

Bofinger, Peter, (2016), “German macroeconomics: The long shadow of Walter Eucken”, Voxeu, 7 June At first sight, it is difficult to explain why the macroeconomic debate and macroeconomic policy in Germany differ considerably from other countries, despite the same academic textbooks and models being used as elsewhere. This column explains how a specific paradigm of macroeconomics, developed by Walter Eucken and diametrically opposed to Keynesian economics, is behind the German formal …Read More

Eurofound yearbook 2015: Living and working in Europe

Eurofound, (2016), “Eurofound yearbook 2015: Living and working in Europe”, Publications Office of the European Union, May Eurofound celebrated the 40th anniversary of its founding in 2015. In 1975, the then European Community set up the Agency, charging it with the task of contributing to the planning and design of better living and working conditions in Europe. The social policy agenda and priorities may have changed over those 40 years, …Read More

Convergence Report 2016

European Commission, (2016), “Convergence Report 2016”, European Commission, Institutional Paper 026, June Convergence Reports examine whether Member States satisfy the conditions for adopting the single currency. The 2016 Convergence Report, adopted on 7 June 2016, is a regular biennial report and examines progress with convergence in seven Member States with a derogation – Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Sweden. The report concludes that none of the …Read More

The Juncker plan needs to be turned on its head

Claeys, Grégory, Leandro, Álvaro, (2016), “The Juncker plan needs to be turned on its head”, Bruegel, 8 June The ‘Investment Plan for Europe’, also known as the Juncker Plan, was approved in June 2015 and the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) launched immediately after. The objective of the plan is to overcome the current lack of investment in the EU, but the initiative has got off to a disappointing start. Relevant …Read More

Avoiding another Eurozone Crisis while avoiding the Five Presidents’ Report: Part II

Wickens, Mike, (2016), “Avoiding another Eurozone Crisis while avoiding the Five Presidents’ Report: Part II”, Voxeu, 8 June This second column in a two-part series takes a closer look at the proposals in the Five Presidents’ Report for Fiscal, Banking, and Capital Markets Unions and much closer political integration among Eurozone countries. It goes on to give evidence of the failure of financial markets to price risk correctly prior to the …Read More

Business, housing and credit cycles

Rünstler, Gerhard, Vlekke, Marente, (2016), “Business, housing and credit cycles”, European Central Bank, No 1915 / June 2016 We use multivariate unobserved components models to estimate trend and cyclical components in GDP, credit volumes and house prices for the U.S. and the five largest European economies. With the exception of Germany, we find large and long cycles in credit and house prices, which are highly correlated with a medium-term component in GDP …Read More

How to Teach Intermediate Macroeconomics after the Crisis?

Blanchard, Olivier, (2016), “How to Teach Intermediate Macroeconomics after the Crisis?”, Peterson Institute for International Economics, 2 June Having just concluded a seven-year run as chief economist of the International Monetary Fund, and having to rewrite the seventh edition of my undergraduate macroeconomics book (link is external) , I had to confront the issue: How should we teach macroeconomics to undergraduates after the crisis? Here are some of my conclusions (I …Read More

Avoiding another Eurozone Crisis while avoiding the Five Presidents’ Report: Part I

Wickens, Mike, (2016), “Avoiding another Eurozone Crisis while avoiding the Five Presidents’ Report: Part I”, Voxeu, 7 June European Monetary Union was designed to promote economic growth, price stability, full employment, and political integration. It can be argued that so far, it has achieved none of these and has in fact made things worse.  The Five Presidents’ Report contained a set of proposals for making the single currency sustainable, based on …Read More

The Purpose Of European Labour Law: Floor Of Rights – Or Ceiling?

Countouris, Nicola, Koukiadaki, Aristea, (2016), “The Purpose Of European Labour Law: Floor Of Rights – Or Ceiling?”, Social Europe, 6 June The evocative aphorism that ‘on ne tombe pas amoureux d’un grand marché’ perfectly captures the mood of millions of Europeans in 2016. Jacques Delors was crucially aware of the strategic importance of Europe’s ‘social dimension’ in the process of European economic integration. Social rights, and labour rights in particular, talk to …Read More

Synchronisation in business cycles: An endogenous explanation

De Grauwe, Paul, Ji, Yuemei, (2016), “Synchronisation in business cycles: An endogenous explanation”, Voxeu, 7 June There is a high degree of correlation between the business cycles of different countries. This is particularly the case in the Eurozone, but also among industrialised countries outside of the Eurozone. Using a two-country behavioural macroeconomic model, this column shows that the main channel for the synchronisation of business cycles is the propagation of ‘animal …Read More